Retail Pricing Policy

This guideline constitutes a portion of our Terms of Service Policy. When you establish a Market on Finnalby for Retail Seller transactions, you consent to this policy and our Terms of Service Policy.

Finnalby is committed to ensuring that retailers always find the best prices on our platform. As such, we require all Retail Seller brands to adhere strictly to our pricing policy:

Retail Pricing: The prices of your products on Finnalby should be equal to or lower than what you offer on other sales platforms, including your personal website. Finnalby has a maximum price for products listed on their Site. No products will be listed for more than $2,000.00 USD.

You acknowledge and agree that Finnalby may perform price and content audits of the products listed on your Market Page and Personal Website. This includes reviewing retail price consistency between your sites and addressing discrepancies communicated by Buyers.

If we detect that your product pricing on Finnalby is higher compared to other sales channels, we will contact you. This communication provides you with the opportunity to either update your prices or make an appeal if you believe there's been a mistake. However, if these discrepancies are not rectified, Finnalby may undertake corrective measures concerning your account, including suspending the affected products until the issues have been resolved. Failure to properly and/or timely respond to the discrepancy may lead to the temporary suspension or permanent termination of your Retail Sellers Account.