Listing Mature Content Policy

Finnalby Members are responsible for adhering to all applicable laws, regulations, or limitations on items, services, or methods of sale, payment, exchange, shipping, or customs regulations related to transactions. Sellers who violate this policy may face immediate account suspension or termination, in accordance with our Terms of Service. By registering for an account on Finnalby, you agree to this policy and our Terms of Service.

Mature content generally falls into three categories:

  • Sexually Suggestive: Items with text or imagery meant to be sexually provocative. Examples include clothing with explicit language, listings with fetishized text or imagery. These items are permissible on Finnalby only with the main photo utilizing the Mature Photo icon (downloadable Here), with the sequential photos of the product you are selling in photos 2-10.
  • Sexually Explicit: Items intended for use during sexual activity, promoting sexual wellness, enhancing sexual pleasure, or depicting/describing sex organs.

    Examples include Kegel weights, sex toys, BDSM gear, sex furniture, depictions of genitalia, etc. These items are prohibited on Finnalby.

    • Graphic: Items with violent, gory, or profane text or imagery, including explicit taxidermy. Examples include profane language, graphic dispositions of human bodies, gory visuals, explicit taxidermy. These items are prohibited on Finnalby.

Pornography is strictly prohibited on Finnalby.

Finnalby reserves the right to disable any listing, market, or account that we believe violates our Terms of Service, including this Mature Content Policy.