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Little Anarchies

  • Products 7
  • Created Jan 2024
  • Rating 5.0

Little Anarchies connects people who are feeling a little down to handmade polymer clay Little Folks who have an uncanny ability to cheer up even the gloomiest of spaces. 

Featured Products

Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Tooth Brush

Little Anarchies

Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Too...


Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Bath Time

Little Anarchies

Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Bath Time


Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Hormone Injections

Little Anarchies

Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Hor...


Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Food

Little Anarchies

Little Folk Sculpture - Clay Desk Friend - Self Care Buddy - Food
